Sister Freaks Out Over Brother’s ‘Demonic’ Cat, Bans Him From Seeing Her Kids Unless The Cat Goes
Giving a pet in need a forever home is a beautiful thing to do! There are so many animals out there that require our assistance. Though some people want to find the ‘perfect’ rescue cat or dog, others look beyond their appearance.
That’s what redditor u/thowraepickitty452 did when he rescued Stargazer—an abused kitty with no eyes, only three legs, and black fur. However, after seeing the cat, the OP’s sister and brother-in-law refused to let him babysit her children with the cat around any longer. The internet user turned to the AITA online community for advice. You’ll find the full story as you read on.
Bored Panda reached out to the PDSA, the UK’s leading vet charity, for advice on how to look after a blind cat at home. Vet Nurse Catherine Burke shed some light on this and offered practical advice for owners. She explained that cats adapt well and can continue to live happy lives. You’ll find her insights as you read on.
Many people are willing to open up their homes to animals in need

Image credits: Cats Coming (not the actual photo)
One owner shared how his sister had a less-than-positive reaction when she saw his rescue cat

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Image credits: cottonbro studio (not the actual photo)

Image credits: Liza Summer (not the actual photo)

Image credits: thowraepickitty452
Cats can continue to live happy lives even after losing their sight, but they need some help from their owners
“If you’ve been told your cat is losing their sight, or if you’re thinking about adopting a blind cat, there are some simple things you can do to help them adjust. A lot of owners worry about how their cat will cope with blindness but luckily, most cats adapt really well and continue to live happy lives, particularly if they lose their sight slowly. However, sudden loss of vision can be more difficult to cope with so we would advise talking to your vet about your individual circumstances,” PDSA Vet Nurse Burke explained to Bored Panda.
She advised owners to keep their homes the same and not make any sudden changes to the layout. This way, the cat will gradually learn to find its way around furniture and through doorways and avoid getting confused. The same goes for litter trays, food, and water bowls: they should all be kept in the same places.
Among other things, cats also use their sense of smell and whiskers to help guide them, not just their eyesight. “If you do need to make a change in your home, guide them around the new layout several times to help them learn the new route through the room. You can also leave a radio playing softly near where they sleep. The sound coming from the same place will help them to orientate themselves,” Burke said.
“A blind cat will likely rely more on their sense of hearing so it can be helpful to talk to your cat so they can orientate themselves. It’s always a good idea to talk to them before stroking them or picking them up to let them know you are nearby first,” the PDSA representative said.

Image credits: Marco Dalla Santa ( not the actual photo)
Owners need to be aware of any potential dangers that their pets might run into
Something else to consider is keeping your cat indoors so that they avoid any outdoor dangers. “A securely fenced garden or fully enclosed run or ‘catio’ (cat patio) can also be a suitable addition to your blind cat’s environment. Think about where your cat may be able to get access to the great outdoors and have a plan in place to prevent this for example using screens on windows or blocking access to balconies. Here are some tips on keeping indoor cats happy and active.”
However, if you do decide that your cat needs to have access to a fenced garden, you should keep a lookout for anything that could be dangerous. This could include low-hanging branches, thorns, or even uneven surfaces. Burke suggests putting up a wind chime near the door to your home so that your blind cat can map the area more easily.
You may also want to consider cat-proofing your home: if you have any furniture with sharp edges, consider removing it or padding the corners. “Make sure wires and other trip hazards are tucked away and your cat can’t accidentally bump into anything hot or dangerous, like a wood burning stove or fireplace. Ensure there are no raised surfaces where they can get stuck or fall from,” the PDSA Vet Nurse said.
Meanwhile, if your cat seems to have lost interest in its old toys or it’s having a hard time playing the games it used to, you can try to make the most of the feline’s keen sense of hearing and smell.
“There are lots of scent-based games you can play with cats, although these might take a bit of training and practice. You can buy toys which you can stuff with tasty treats that your blind cat can sniff out. Rubber balls with a bell inside are great, as the sound helps them to track their play-thing,” Burke said. For more information on caring for blind pets, you can visit the PDSA’s website.
Unfortunately, some people cannot see past appearances
The simple reality is that some people cannot see beyond appearances. They judge books, cats, and probably even people by the cover. That means that they can miss out on some genuine relationships because they place a huge amount of importance on aesthetics.
However, if they would give everyone a chance, they might discover that looks are far from everything. Apply the OP’s sister’s thinking to people for a moment. Imagine that she’d call a person who’s blind and has lost a leg ‘demonic.’ That would be rude and it would cause outrage.
Similarly, the woman and her husband made a judgment call about a cat who didn’t choose its appearance. Stargazer the cat was a victim of abuse. As her owner u/thowraepickitty452 pointed out, his nieces were quick to enjoy Stargazer’s company, while the OP was babysitting them. Spending time around someone ‘deformed’ can really quickly show you how character and behavior matter much, much more.
Everyone can learn to be kinder and more empathetic to people and animals both
As we’ve covered on Bored Panda before, empathy works similarly to a muscle that you can develop. Empathy is something that you can strengthen with use, over time. The more emotionally complicated and ambiguous a situation is, the better the ‘workout.’
Human beings have mirror neurons that activate when we see someone else in pain, making it feel like we’re experiencing it as well. Though we can’t influence their automatic activation, we can affect more cognitive forms of empathy. You can, for example, hone your empathy skills not just through interactions in the real world, but also by reading literature and looking at art.
Though there are limitations due to a person’s genetics and upbringing, broadly speaking, most people can become kinder through practice. Not just to their fellow human beings, but to animals, too. Like with most things, it all starts with a few tiny steps.
Spending some time volunteering at an animal shelter or temporarily fostering a hurt pet can offer a wealth of experience. Often, fear springs from ignorance. Though there’s nothing wrong with being scared by how an abused animal looks, this visceral initial reaction should not be seen as a ‘valid’ judgment call about the cat’s behavior. We owe them more than that.

Image credits: Florian Roost ( not the actual photo)
Potential owners need to make sure that they’ll be able to take care of their rescue pets’ needs
Before you adopt a cat or any other animal, talk to your local shelter about what they might need from you that isn’t obvious. The more you know about what the animal has gone through and what their character is like, the better you can adapt to meet its needs.
According to the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society, you should bring your newly rescued pet to see a vet. They’ll check to see if the animal might be ill or hurt.
Meanwhile, at home, find a quiet spot where you can place your cat’s litterbox. They’ll appreciate the privacy. It goes without saying, but you need to get the other basics right, too. Your cat will need food and water bowls, as well as a cozy place to sleep.
On top of that, you’ll need some grooming tools to keep your cat’s coat healthy and gleaming. And it’s best to invest in some cat toys to keep the feline entertained throughout the day. If you’re studying or working from home, you can take breaks every now and then to play with your pet. But if you have to leave home, the cat needs to find healthy ways to stay engaged that do not include scratching the sofa.
Above everything, your cat will need lots of love, care, and attention. And compliments! Have you ever rescued a pet, dear Pandas? Have you ever had to care for an abused animal? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments.
Many readers were shocked by how the author’s sister reacted to the rescue animal