We’ll Reveal Your Worst Trait Once You Answer These 25 Questions Honestly
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Quiz • Revealing Your Worst Trait
Elina Fairytale
When there is something to plan with your friends, do you take the lead or do you follow what others say?
I usually take the lead
I go along with what they want
It changes
Andrea Piacquadio
How do you prefer to unwind from the stress in your life?
I have hobbies that I like
I spend time with my loved ones
I read books or watch some stuff
I eat or drink my feelings away
Solihin Kentjana
If you had to pick a role model who would it be?
Someone from my family
A teacher of mine
A famous person
There is no such thing as a role model
Warner Bros.
Choose a pair from Friends.
Rachel & Ross
Monica & Chandler
Phoebe & Joey
Which one do you think should be the actual goal of life?
Being happy & fulfilled
Having fun
Leaving something good behind
Idk, don’t send me back to my existential crisis episode, I just came back
Matheus Bertelli
Are you comfortable with giving someone orders?
Not so much
Yeah, if it’s necessary
Definitely not
Yeah, that’s like a hobby of mine
How would you console a teenager who is going through their first break-up?
“Hey, you won’t even remember who you cried for in 10 years”
“I’m sorry you’re going through this, but I promise it’s going to pass”
“Don’t cry please, it’s their loss, trust me”
Alex Green
Halfway through an argument with your partner, you’ve come to the painful realization that you are probably wrong. How would you proceed with the argument?
If I’m too far in, I won’t ever admit I’m wrong
I might continue defending my point, but in the end, I’d admit I’m in the wrong
I’d say sorry the minute I realize that I’m wrong
Felicity Tai
How successful are you when it comes to keeping secrets?
I never tell a soul
I never tell a soul (except my best friends or partner)
I am bad at keeping secrets, people can tell I am hiding something
Andrea Piacquadio
What do you like most about yourself?